Creativity is an Innate Train, but It Should Be Encouraged

The annual exhibition of paintings by children, participants of the workshops by the Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre and Art Centre Blok Art, was officially opened in the Mlin Cultural Station on 19 November.

Creativity enables new ways of thinking, offers possibilities for solving problems, searching, dreaming, and creating original ideas. Creativity is not only a characteristic of exceptionally gifted children. Everyone can be creative, and every child has a potential creative expression, while such programmes encourage it.

Special attention is devoted to different topics and techniques that give children a chance to try their hands at it throughout the year, and in that manner, broaden their experience, stimulate their imagination and develop cognitive activities. Moreover, the process of searching for a personal solution is very important since it includes mistakes, which are very important as well, because in that manner, children do not follow the established and already seen schematism. Once a child becomes sure they use creative freedom of thoughts, he will be able to apply it in any sphere of life in the future.

You will have an opportunity to check the works our youngest citizens were created during the school year 2020/21, on 16 December, on working days from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.